Thursday, February 26, 2015

for everyone will feel weak and incapable at times.

for right now is my time.
can I do this and why should I do this,
I am confused of giving up or trying harder,
I honestly wished life never goes on and kept on replay at the age of 16.
Ya Allah sungguh perit dugaan ini.
Kenapa aku mula persoalkan kudrat diri ini..
mungkin..aku sudah mula alpa..

maka Ya Allah,
Kau pilihlah yg terbaik buat ku.
Kau bekalkan aku tenaga dan kudrat untuk menempuh segala rintangan yang menghalang.
Aku mohon ketabahan.

Sya, hang in there..your pain is a test of your faith.
Keep on believing and dont stop trying.
There's a reason you'll soon discover.
There's a reason you'll soon be thankful for.

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